
Human-in-the-Loop based Robot-Interaction (HRI) is a growing field where humans(s) are actively in control of an autonomous process, which helps to mitigates the downsides of uncertainties. The degree and mode of interaction(s) may vary widely depending on the task. Our current research involves the development of a workcell system involving  fixed and mobile robot manipulators and perception system for the purpose of an autonomous manufacturing. 

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Field-grade rovers designed to carry out work autonomously. The navigation system uses sensors, such as stereo-cameras, LiDAR, RTK-GPS, to navigate autonomously using various control modes including waypoint, line/path, vineyard, follow-me control/navigation. Several tools have been developed including blower and variable sprayer.  Our current research focuses on multi-rover control where multiple rovers interact together and dock autonomouselt to charage, refuel, load/unload. An automated seedling-planter is currenrly in development.

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